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Did you know…?
You may be aware of the dangers of UV exposure to your skin, but are you aware
that your eyes are vulnerable to UV damage anytime of the day, throughout the
year? That’s right…UV can cause damage not just to your skin, but also your eyes…
even in winter!
UV exposure to the eye before 10am and after 2pm may be higher than during the
middle of the day on some days due to the angle of the sun in relation to the eye.
Research has shown that a greater proportion of ultraviolet rays can reach the eye
from scattered sunlight from clouds on a cloudy day or reflected from the ground off
water or snow, particularly during the winter months. It's during these times, when
you aren’t taking proper precautions because you don’t think UV is a risk, that the
damage may be greatest.
What are the signs?
UV exposure can lead to eye irritation and increased light sensitivity. All UV eye
exposure, regardless of how short, adds up in the long term. Accumulated UV
exposure to your eyes can lead to cataracts, macular degeneration, and skin cancer
of the eyelids and around the eyes.
What can I do?
It is important to wear suitable UV protective lenses all the time and have your eyes
tested regularly or as advised by your Optometrist.
Adding a UV protective coating to your prescription lenses and having polarised
sunglasses can both significantly reduce the effect UV exposure has on your eyes and
overall health.

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